is a microbial oceanographer and molecular ecologist interested in phytoplankton-virus arms races and how microbial genes influence ocean ecosystems . Kay is one of the principal contributors to the conceptual design of the ‘Tools of Science’ series. His research is the content focus for the project.
is an educator in the Department of 4-H Youth Development. Together with her colleagues and collaborators, she has developed a wide range of tools and professional development programs for both educators and scientists that help promote Ocean Literacy. Janice is another principal contributor to the conceptual design of the ‘Tools of Science’ series. Her expertise is in translating and distributing these resources to educators and their students.
is a molecular and cell biologist. Her research focuses on characterizing the underlying molecular mechanisms that have contributed to the ecological success of phytoplankton. Kim is also a principal contributor to the conceptual design of the ‘Tools of Science’ series. Her research on light and photosynthesis is featured in this project.
Josh Kurz, Chris Metzler and Jeff Springer from Tilapia Film produced the ‘Tools of Science’ videos. They are principal contributors and the creative force behind these innovative and informative educational videos.
is a marine biogeochemical modeler at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Mick’s work applying mathematical modeling to algal-virus interactions, as co-PI on an NSF-funded project, is a content focus for a video and web-based content on the project.
is a Research Scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who is applying mathematical models to better understand algal-virus interactions at both the cellular and ecosystem levels. His work is a focus for a video and web-based content on the project.
is a biological oceanographer and marine virologist at Rutgers. His work exploring the mechanistic controls on algal-virus interactions is a focus for videos and web-based content on the project.
is a phytoplankton physiologist at Rutgers. She works closely with the education/outreach team to aid in the production of videos and web-based content on the project.
is a marine chemist/geochemist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (Woods Hole, MA). Ben was a co-PI on the NA-VICE project and his research on the biological cycling and molecular composition of microbial polar lipids is a content focus for videos on the project.
is a biological/chemical oceanographer at the College of Charleston’s Hollings Marine Laboratory. Jack was a co-PI the NA-VICE project and his research on pigments, marine phytoplankton ecology/physiology, and biogeochemical cycling of carbon and sulfur is a content focus for videos on the project.
is a phytoplankton ecophysiologist and marine virologist at the Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel). He was a co-PI on the NA-VICE project and his research on algal host-virus interactions is a content focus for videos on the project.
is a molecular microbiologist and paleontologist at Curtin University (Australia). He was a co-PI on the NA-VICE project and his research on using molecular markers to identify phytoplankton and viruses is a content focus for videos on the project.